Lecture 11 (4/20/2022)


  • Problem set 3 coming out today, will be due next Wednesday 4/27

Last time we covered:

  • Data cleaning with python (duplicates, missing data, outliers)

Today’s agenda:

  • Wide versus long data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Wide and Long Data

“Like families, tidy datasets are all alike but every messy dataset is messy in its own way.” ~ Hadley Wickham

What is wide data?

When we interact with data that’s made to be read by people, it’s most often in wide format.

The definition of wide data can be a little hard to pin down but one rule of thumb is that wide data spreads multiple observations or variables across columns in a given row.













Here’s some data I made up about average temperatures in five US cities over three consecutive years:

cities = pd.DataFrame({
    "City": ["San Diego", "Denver", "New York City", "Los Angeles", "San Francisco"],
    "2010": [75, 60, 55, 65, 70],
    "2011": [77, 63, 58, 67, 72],
    "2012": [77, 62, 56, 67, 71]

City 2010 2011 2012
0 San Diego 75 77 77
1 Denver 60 63 62
2 New York City 55 58 56
3 Los Angeles 65 67 67
4 San Francisco 70 72 71

This data can also be presented with year as our variable of interest and each city as a column:

years = pd.DataFrame({
    "Year": [2010, 2011, 2012],
    "San Diego": [75, 77, 77],
    "Denver": [60, 63, 62],
    "New York City": [55, 58, 56],
    "Los Angeles": [65, 67, 67],
    "San Francisco": [70, 72, 71]

Year San Diego Denver New York City Los Angeles San Francisco
0 2010 75 60 55 65 70
1 2011 77 63 58 67 72
2 2012 77 62 56 67 71

Both of these are pretty easy to read and pretty intuitive.

What kind of questions can we answer most easily with each dataframe?

cities: how do the cities differ in their temperatures?

years: which year was the warmest?

Note: this is easiest to illustrate with time sequence data, but most data can be toggled around this way to some degree:

students = pd.DataFrame({
    "Student": ["Erik", "Amanda", "Maia"],
    "Math": [90, 95, 80],
    "Writing": [90, 85, 95]

Student Math Writing
0 Erik 90 90
1 Amanda 95 85
2 Maia 80 95
classes = pd.DataFrame({
    "Subject": ["Math", "Writing"],
    "Erik": [80, 95],
    "Amanda": [95, 85],
    "Maia": [80, 95]

Subject Erik Amanda Maia
0 Math 80 95 80
1 Writing 95 85 95

The first table makes it easier to ask questions like “which student performed best?”, while the second is easier for asking questions like “are these students better at math or writing?”

Self-quiz: do the above examples give you an okay intuition for what wide data looks like?

So what’s the problem?

  1. First, the exercise above suggests that for different kinds of questions, we need to format our data in different ways. That seems onerous…

  2. Second, even though tables like this make these data easy to read as humans, answering questions about the data when it’s formatted like this can be difficult and inefficient.

Using the data below, how do we figure out which city was hottest on average (using our python skills)?

City 2010 2011 2012
0 San Diego 75 77 77
1 Denver 60 63 62
2 New York City 55 58 56
3 Los Angeles 65 67 67
4 San Francisco 70 72 71
# for loop over rows and compute value

cities = cities.assign(avg = lambda row: np.mean(row[['2010', '2011', '2012']], axis = 1))
City 2010 2011 2012 avg
0 San Diego 75 77 77 76.333333
1 Denver 60 63 62 61.666667
2 New York City 55 58 56 56.333333
3 Los Angeles 65 67 67 66.333333
4 San Francisco 70 72 71 71.000000

Notice that we have to do this by calculating an average row by row. Seems inefficient.

Can we do any better with our years dataframe?

Year San Diego Denver New York City Los Angeles San Francisco
0 2010 75 60 55 65 70
1 2011 77 63 58 67 72
2 2012 77 62 56 67 71

# ???

Using the data below, how do we decide which year had the highest recorded temperature across these cities?

Year San Diego Denver New York City Los Angeles San Francisco
0 2010 75 60 55 65 70
1 2011 77 63 58 67 72
2 2012 77 62 56 67 71

years = years.assign(temp = lambda row: np.mean(row[['San Diego', 'Los Angeles']], axis = 1))
Year San Diego Denver New York City Los Angeles San Francisco temp
0 2010 75 60 55 65 70 70.0
1 2011 77 63 58 67 72 72.0
2 2012 77 62 56 67 71 72.0

Yikes 😬

Self-quiz: is it clear how data that’s easy to read in wide format can be kind of tricky to interact with when trying to analyze it in python?

What do we do about this? Answer: tidy (long) data!

With long or tidy data, every observation gets its own row, with columns indicating the variable values that correpond to that observation.

The wide table at the beginning of the previous section looked like this:













Compare the table above to this one:






















Here’s a concrete example with the student data above.

In wide form, it looked like this:

Student Math Writing
0 Erik 90 90
1 Amanda 95 85
2 Maia 80 95

In tidy form, it looks like this:

tidy_students = pd.DataFrame({
    "Student": ["Erik", "Erik", "Amanda", "Amanda", "Maia", "Maia"],
    "Subject": ["Math", "Writing", "Math", "Writing", "Math", "Writing"],
    "Score": [90, 90, 95, 85, 80, 95]

Student Subject Score
0 Erik Math 90
1 Erik Writing 90
2 Amanda Math 95
3 Amanda Writing 85
4 Maia Math 80
5 Maia Writing 95

Self-quiz: is it clear how the tidy data here differs from wide data?

If you want to go into the weeds on this, here’s a paper by the inventor of tidyverse, a large library in R with many similar functions to pandas.

So what does tidy data do for us?

The tidy data in the previous examples are harder to read and harder to interpret in the ways we often want to think about tabular data.

So how does this help us?


  • Tidy data avoids the pitfalls of having to reformat our data for different kinds of questions (usually)

  • Tidy data enforces structure so there isn’t confusion about how best to represent our data (there may be multiple wide formats but usually only one tidy format) -> best practice

  • Tidy data is easier to interact with and analyze with code

  • Tidy data lets us take advantage of the vectorization that numpy, pandas, and other modern coding languages employ to make calculations super speedy


Let’s go through a simple example with the temperature data above.

Here’s the original wide dataframe:

City 2010 2011 2012 avg
0 San Diego 75 77 77 76.333333
1 Denver 60 63 62 61.666667
2 New York City 55 58 56 56.333333
3 Los Angeles 65 67 67 66.333333
4 San Francisco 70 72 71 71.000000

Here it is in tidy format:

tidy_cities = pd.DataFrame({
    "City": ["San Diego", "San Diego", "San Diego", 
             "Denver", "Denver", "Denver", 
             "New York City", "New York City", "New York City", 
             "Los Angeles", "Los Angeles", "Los Angeles", 
             "San Francisco", "San Francisco", "San Francisco"
    "Year": [2010, 2011, 2012, 
             2010, 2011, 2012, 
             2010, 2011, 2012, 
             2010, 2011, 2012, 
             2010, 2011, 2012
    "Temp": [75, 77, 77,
             60, 63, 62,
             55, 58, 56,
             65, 67, 67,
             70, 72, 71

City Year Temp
0 San Diego 2010 75
1 San Diego 2011 77
2 San Diego 2012 77
3 Denver 2010 60
4 Denver 2011 63
5 Denver 2012 62
6 New York City 2010 55
7 New York City 2011 58
8 New York City 2012 56
9 Los Angeles 2010 65
10 Los Angeles 2011 67
11 Los Angeles 2012 67
12 San Francisco 2010 70
13 San Francisco 2011 72
14 San Francisco 2012 71

Now, let’s return to our original question: which city was the hottest on average during this time?


    city_avg = ('Temp', 'mean')
City city_avg
3 San Diego 76.333333

That was pretty easy.

And under the hood, pandas groupby means that we compute the average temperature using vectorization rather than calculating row by row as we did in the solution above.

What about our second question: which year had the highest recorded temperature?


    year_max = ('Temp', 'max')
Year year_max
0 2010 75
1 2011 77
2 2012 77

Okay, that was also pretty easy.

So, this is far from an exhaustive survey of wide versus tidy/long data, but should give you a flavor for why this distinction is useful.

Self-quiz: do the examples above make it pretty clear why tidy data makes our lives simpler, clearer, and easier for coding / analysis?

Pandas helps you convert data easily

Lots of data in the real world comes in wide form or requires some re-shuffling to get into tidy format.

If you’re working with a dataset that isn’t in tidy form, it’s almost always a good first step.

We’ll quickly review the tools that pandas has for toggling data formats.

Much more info about this here.

Converting from wide to long with melt

First, let’s turn to a familiar dataset: the gapminder data.

Is this data in tidy form?

gap = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UCSD-CSS-002/ucsd-css-002.github.io/master/datasets/gapminder.csv")

# gap.shape # note the size. Things are about to change...
Unnamed: 0 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 1 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 2 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 3 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 4 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 5 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1699 1700 Zimbabwe Africa 1987 62.351 9216418 706.157306
1700 1701 Zimbabwe Africa 1992 60.377 10704340 693.420786
1701 1702 Zimbabwe Africa 1997 46.809 11404948 792.449960
1702 1703 Zimbabwe Africa 2002 39.989 11926563 672.038623
1703 1704 Zimbabwe Africa 2007 43.487 12311143 469.709298

1704 rows × 7 columns

Let’s move the “observations” (lifeExp, pop, and gdpPercap) to their own rows using melt:

gap_tidy = gap.melt(
    id_vars = ["Unnamed: 0", "country", "continent", "year"], # columns to keep in each row
    value_vars = ["lifeExp", "pop", "gdpPercap"], # columns to be moved into their own rows
    var_name = "measure", # name of the column that will store the "value_vars" column names
    value_name = "value" # name of the column that will store the "value_vars" column values

gap_tidy # take a look at the data. Is this what you expected?

# gap_tidy.shape # note how many rows we added with this
Unnamed: 0 country continent year measure value
0 1 Afghanistan Asia 1952 lifeExp 28.801000
1 2 Afghanistan Asia 1957 lifeExp 30.332000
2 3 Afghanistan Asia 1962 lifeExp 31.997000
3 4 Afghanistan Asia 1967 lifeExp 34.020000
4 5 Afghanistan Asia 1972 lifeExp 36.088000
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5107 1700 Zimbabwe Africa 1987 gdpPercap 706.157306
5108 1701 Zimbabwe Africa 1992 gdpPercap 693.420786
5109 1702 Zimbabwe Africa 1997 gdpPercap 792.449960
5110 1703 Zimbabwe Africa 2002 gdpPercap 672.038623
5111 1704 Zimbabwe Africa 2007 gdpPercap 469.709298

5112 rows × 6 columns

What can we do with this?

Quick example!

(think about how we would do the below with our data in wide format)

    ['country', 'measure']
country measure value
0 Afghanistan gdpPercap 8.026746e+02
1 Afghanistan lifeExp 3.747883e+01
2 Afghanistan pop 1.582372e+07
3 Albania gdpPercap 3.255367e+03
4 Albania lifeExp 6.843292e+01
... ... ... ...
421 Zambia lifeExp 4.599633e+01
422 Zambia pop 6.353805e+06
423 Zimbabwe gdpPercap 6.358580e+02
424 Zimbabwe lifeExp 5.266317e+01
425 Zimbabwe pop 7.641966e+06

426 rows × 3 columns

Converting from long to wide with pivot

But wait! I thought we wanted our data in tidy format???

The pivot function makes it easy for us to convert to wide format when it’s convenient.

gap_wide = gap_tidy.pivot(
    index = "year", # column to be treated as the index
    columns = ["measure", "country"], # columns to be spread out into their own columns for each value
    values = "value" # value to be inserted in each new column

# gap_wide.shape # this is super condensed
measure lifeExp ... gdpPercap
country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium ... Uganda United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam West Bank and Gaza Yemen, Rep. Zambia Zimbabwe
1952 28.801 55.230 43.077 30.015 62.485 69.120 66.800 50.939 37.484 68.000 ... 734.753484 9979.508487 13990.48208 5716.766744 7689.799761 605.066492 1515.592329 781.717576 1147.388831 406.884115
1957 30.332 59.280 45.685 31.999 64.399 70.330 67.480 53.832 39.348 69.240 ... 774.371069 11283.177950 14847.12712 6150.772969 9802.466526 676.285448 1827.067742 804.830455 1311.956766 518.764268
1962 31.997 64.820 48.303 34.000 65.142 70.930 69.540 56.923 41.216 70.250 ... 767.271740 12477.177070 16173.14586 5603.357717 8422.974165 772.049160 2198.956312 825.623201 1452.725766 527.272182
1967 34.020 66.220 51.407 35.985 65.634 71.100 70.140 59.923 43.453 70.940 ... 908.918522 14142.850890 19530.36557 5444.619620 9541.474188 637.123289 2649.715007 862.442146 1777.077318 569.795071
1972 36.088 67.690 54.518 37.928 67.065 71.930 70.630 63.300 45.252 71.440 ... 950.735869 15895.116410 21806.03594 5703.408898 10505.259660 699.501644 3133.409277 1265.047031 1773.498265 799.362176
1977 38.438 68.930 58.014 39.483 68.481 73.490 72.170 65.593 46.923 72.800 ... 843.733137 17428.748460 24072.63213 6504.339663 13143.950950 713.537120 3682.831494 1829.765177 1588.688299 685.587682
1982 39.854 70.420 61.368 39.942 69.942 74.740 73.180 69.052 50.009 73.930 ... 682.266227 18232.424520 25009.55914 6920.223051 11152.410110 707.235786 4336.032082 1977.557010 1408.678565 788.855041
1987 40.822 72.000 65.799 39.906 70.774 76.320 74.940 70.750 52.819 75.350 ... 617.724406 21664.787670 29884.35041 7452.398969 9883.584648 820.799445 5107.197384 1971.741538 1213.315116 706.157306
1992 41.674 71.581 67.744 40.647 71.868 77.560 76.040 72.601 56.018 76.460 ... 644.170797 22705.092540 32003.93224 8137.004775 10733.926310 989.023149 6017.654756 1879.496673 1210.884633 693.420786
1997 41.763 72.950 69.152 40.963 73.275 78.830 77.510 73.925 59.412 77.530 ... 816.559081 26074.531360 35767.43303 9230.240708 10165.495180 1385.896769 7110.667619 2117.484526 1071.353818 792.449960
2002 42.129 75.651 70.994 41.003 74.340 80.370 78.980 74.795 62.013 78.320 ... 927.721002 29478.999190 39097.09955 7727.002004 8605.047831 1764.456677 4515.487575 2234.820827 1071.613938 672.038623
2007 43.828 76.423 72.301 42.731 75.320 81.235 79.829 75.635 64.062 79.441 ... 1056.380121 33203.261280 42951.65309 10611.462990 11415.805690 2441.576404 3025.349798 2280.769906 1271.211593 469.709298

12 rows × 426 columns

# We access data in the above by making our way down the hierarchical columns

# This can make things like plotting this data a little easier (no need to filter ahead of time)
g = sns.scatterplot(x = gap_wide['gdpPercap']['United States'],
                    y = gap_wide['lifeExp']['United States']

g.set_xlabel("Average income ($ GDP / capita)")
g.set_ylabel("Avg. life expectancy (years)")
g.set_title("Income and life expectancy in the US")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Income and life expectancy in the US')

Bonus: stack and unstack

A really clear overview here

gap_stack = gap_wide.stack("country")

# gap_stack.columns
measure gdpPercap lifeExp pop
year country
1952 Afghanistan 779.445314 28.801 8425333.0
Albania 1601.056136 55.230 1282697.0
Algeria 2449.008185 43.077 9279525.0
Angola 3520.610273 30.015 4232095.0
Argentina 5911.315053 62.485 17876956.0
... ... ... ... ...
2007 Vietnam 2441.576404 74.249 85262356.0
West Bank and Gaza 3025.349798 73.422 4018332.0
Yemen, Rep. 2280.769906 62.698 22211743.0
Zambia 1271.211593 42.384 11746035.0
Zimbabwe 469.709298 43.487 12311143.0

1704 rows × 3 columns

# gap_stack['pop']
# gap_stack[gap_stack['year'] == 2007]
gap_unstack = gap_stack.unstack("year")
measure gdpPercap ... pop
year 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 ... 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007
Afghanistan 779.445314 820.853030 853.100710 836.197138 739.981106 786.113360 978.011439 852.395945 649.341395 635.341351 ... 10267083.0 11537966.0 13079460.0 14880372.0 12881816.0 13867957.0 16317921.0 22227415.0 25268405.0 31889923.0
Albania 1601.056136 1942.284244 2312.888958 2760.196931 3313.422188 3533.003910 3630.880722 3738.932735 2497.437901 3193.054604 ... 1728137.0 1984060.0 2263554.0 2509048.0 2780097.0 3075321.0 3326498.0 3428038.0 3508512.0 3600523.0
Algeria 2449.008185 3013.976023 2550.816880 3246.991771 4182.663766 4910.416756 5745.160213 5681.358539 5023.216647 4797.295051 ... 11000948.0 12760499.0 14760787.0 17152804.0 20033753.0 23254956.0 26298373.0 29072015.0 31287142.0 33333216.0
Angola 3520.610273 3827.940465 4269.276742 5522.776375 5473.288005 3008.647355 2756.953672 2430.208311 2627.845685 2277.140884 ... 4826015.0 5247469.0 5894858.0 6162675.0 7016384.0 7874230.0 8735988.0 9875024.0 10866106.0 12420476.0
Argentina 5911.315053 6856.856212 7133.166023 8052.953021 9443.038526 10079.026740 8997.897412 9139.671389 9308.418710 10967.281950 ... 21283783.0 22934225.0 24779799.0 26983828.0 29341374.0 31620918.0 33958947.0 36203463.0 38331121.0 40301927.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Vietnam 605.066492 676.285448 772.049160 637.123289 699.501644 713.537120 707.235786 820.799445 989.023149 1385.896769 ... 33796140.0 39463910.0 44655014.0 50533506.0 56142181.0 62826491.0 69940728.0 76048996.0 80908147.0 85262356.0
West Bank and Gaza 1515.592329 1827.067742 2198.956312 2649.715007 3133.409277 3682.831494 4336.032082 5107.197384 6017.654756 7110.667619 ... 1133134.0 1142636.0 1089572.0 1261091.0 1425876.0 1691210.0 2104779.0 2826046.0 3389578.0 4018332.0
Yemen, Rep. 781.717576 804.830455 825.623201 862.442146 1265.047031 1829.765177 1977.557010 1971.741538 1879.496673 2117.484526 ... 6120081.0 6740785.0 7407075.0 8403990.0 9657618.0 11219340.0 13367997.0 15826497.0 18701257.0 22211743.0
Zambia 1147.388831 1311.956766 1452.725766 1777.077318 1773.498265 1588.688299 1408.678565 1213.315116 1210.884633 1071.353818 ... 3421000.0 3900000.0 4506497.0 5216550.0 6100407.0 7272406.0 8381163.0 9417789.0 10595811.0 11746035.0
Zimbabwe 406.884115 518.764268 527.272182 569.795071 799.362176 685.587682 788.855041 706.157306 693.420786 792.449960 ... 4277736.0 4995432.0 5861135.0 6642107.0 7636524.0 9216418.0 10704340.0 11404948.0 11926563.0 12311143.0

142 rows × 36 columns